"If you require control over what happens to your assets whilst alive, in your later years and after your death, then creating and maintaining an effective ‘Later Life and Estate Plan’ is essential."
“Tis impossible to be sure of anything but Death and Taxes,”
Source : The Yale Book of Quotations from Christopher Bullock, The Cobler of Preston (1716).
However, during a lifetime of hard work, you may want to protect as much of your wealth as possible and for it to pass into the right hands at the right time. But if you don’t plan ahead, your estate could be exposed to inheritance tax (IHT) and more so be eroded by care fees, where applicable, due to poor planning as we are inherently living for longer in general terms.
This is fundamentally where Tony Walker Financial Planning Services comes into it’s own by mapping out your current and future position from an income, taxation, asset structuring and ownership, estate value perspective, risks and opportunities thus enabling greater financial planning, leading to the creation of your ‘Later Life & Estate Plan.’ This may involve the use either individually or as a combination of specialist investment vehicles and products, trusts, as well as specialist pension products and life assurance (where appropriate).
Everyone’s requirements and motivations are unique. This is why all our solutions are kept as straight forward and simple as practically possible, which in turn can help keep advisory costs as competitive as possible. All our bespoke modular planning solutions provide both initial and ongoing regular reviews, are delivered in three key stages – initial assessment and overview, structuring and planning, implementation.

Taking into consideration health issue, effecting estate planning can help prepare for long term care planning and vice versa. Long term care planning is an issue likely to affect a higher proportion of the population as we are generally living longer. Physical illness used to be a primary factor affecting early death, although medical advances have now resulted in us living longer and potentially requiring some form of either residential and/or medical care either in our own homes or in a specific care related home.
Long term care advice is a specialism and qualification only held by a small number of advisers and requires additional layers of professionalism due to the potential for vulnerability related considerations. It is extremely important to consider not only a clients financial affairs, health both physical & mental, capacity to act but also any entitlement to state & care benefits and a very good understanding of the type of products best suited to a clients specific advice requirements. We work with families and professional advisers in a compassionate and empathetic manner to help bring together financial, legal and tax related planning harmoniously.
As a firm we are an Associate Member of SOLLA (Society of Later Life Advisers) and are qualified to advise clients in all aspects of later life and long term care planning.